Friday, February 29, 2008

As American as Popeye's Chicken

So here is the one sports related post of my blogging career. While I am sure Barry Bonds is a hero to many of you, for me he is yet another shining example of why I have no respect for professional athletes(insert joke here about my lack of athletic ability). Below is an excerpt from his grand jury transcript from last year.

While the entire Bonds transcript is worth a read, we particularly enjoyed his answer to a question posed by one juror about Greg Anderson, the athlete's beleaguered friend and trainer. "With all the money you make, have you ever thought of maybe building him a mansion or something?" Bonds replied, "One, I'm black. And I'm keeping my money. And there's not too many rich black people in this world. And I'm keeping my money. There's more wealthy Asian people and Caucasian and white. There ain't that many rich black people. And I ain't giving my money up. That's why.

Hey guess what everyone, Barry Bonds is Black!! And, as it turns out, that isn't a bat on his shoulder, its a huge fucking chip.

You keep your money Barry....eventually you are gonna need it to post bail.

1 comment:

Asscap said...

What a bag o' douche! Oh, I mean a wealthy black bag o' douche.