Tuesday, February 19, 2008

XBox 360 or not

So I'm having trouble deciding whether or not I want to purchase an XBox 360 with the $600 stimulus check we're receiving thanks to the federal government.

Now that I'm almost 30, I can't decide if this will be a worthwhile purchase or not. Looking at games like Grand Theft Auto 4, Madden 09, Tiger 09 and Guitar Hero on the horizon coupled with my HDTV, it gets me excited. But what if I simply don't have the time? Between work, golf and football season, when will I get in some time playing video games? Is burn-in really a possibility with my plasma?

Anyway, as I debate these issue, I come across a new release that is really pushing me toward picking up an XBox 360... soon!

I present: WNBA Live 2008!


boom ornery said...

Don, if you spend that money, the Republicans win. Remember, it's not free money, it's an advance on next year's tax returns. Do what Ken is going to do - invest that shit and use the interest to pay for fantasy football in the fall.

Kirby Smalls said...

Spend your money, that's what Americans do with "extra" money... they spend it.
Unless you are a die hard Halo fan or you can't live with any "XBox" only games, get the PS3. All high quality DVD's will be Blu-Ray and with the PS3 it comes free. Plus playing online is free with the PS3. With that said, I own a XBox 360 and its sick. I guess I won't be playing Tiger Woods against The Bishop online.